Newt Gingrich Accuses Mitt Romney Of Rewriting History

Newt Gingrich’s latest campaign ad accuses Mitt Romney of rewriting history when it comes to Gingrich’s ethic charges while Speaker of the House. According to the Gingrich campaign, “In 1999, after a 3 ½ year investigation, the Internal Revenue Service (under President Bill Clinton, nonetheless) concluded that Gingrich did not violate any tax laws, leading renowned CNN Investigative Reporter Brooks Jackson to remark on air “it turns out [Gingrich] was right and those who accused him of tax fraud were wrong. 84 politically motivated ethics charges were filed against Newt when he was Speaker of the House regarding the use of tax exempt funds for a college course he taught titled “Renewing American Civilization.” 83 of the 84 were found to be without merit.”

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