Senator Joe Manchin Explains Why He Thinks The Senate Sucks

JOE MANCHIN, CNN: I got to the point — so many good people up here, both Democrats and Republicans, they’re all my friends. I work with them. When you get us together, it sounds like we make sense. We want things to work. And all of a sudden, all the power transfers to two people, the majority leader and minority leader, who makes a decision what moves and doesn’t move. The majority sets the agenda. I keep thinking my beloved Robert C. Byrd, laying in his grave, he’s got to be twisting and turning thinking how did we get to this. We’ve got to come back to regular order and where other senators have input and our voices are heard, we’re able to move the dialogue … I said the place sucks when it doesn’t work. I get a little frustrated at times. I let it fly that day. I probably shouldn’t have.

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One Response to Senator Joe Manchin Explains Why He Thinks The Senate Sucks

  1. Cosmo says:

    He’s right, they suck

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