Chuck Hagel Will Be Available In 2008

Chuck Hagel made it official this morning and announced that he will not seek a third term in the Senate. Hagel also says he doesn’t have any plans on running for any office, but he does hope to have an opportunity to do something else. Some have said this announcement means he will not run for President, but he could still be on a ticket. He just doesn’t have any plans. There was speculation of a Mike Bloomberg, Chuck Hagel independent ticket last summer, but Hagel shot that down when he said he would not leave the Republican party. Hagel is a Vietnam veteran, and is well known for his disagreements with President Bush on the war in Iraq. In January Hagel called President Bush’s surge plan for Iraq “the most dangerous foreign policy blunder carried out since Vietnam.” Today at the Omaha Press Club Hagel announced, “I will not seek a third term in the United States Senate, nor do I intend to be a candidate for any office in 2008.” Hagel gave his reason for leaving by saying, “I said after I was elected in 1996 that 12 years in the Senate would probably be enough. It is. I have always believed that democracies work best when there is a constant cycle of new energy and ideas, and fresh leadership.” He didn’t shut all doors though by saying, “Public service has always been a big part of my life, and I hope to have another opportunity to serve my country in some new capacity down the road.” Is he looking to be a V.P. candidate? I hope we can find him something to do. Maybe he could be drafted into some position. Or maybe he could be one of those Republicans Cabinet post on Bill Richardson’s list. Realistically he would have a better chance of getting a job if he joined together with Bloomberg, the other guy who says he is not interested in being President.
Alan Cosgrove

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