Below is a list of Potential candidates for the President in 2008. With the midterm elections over, politicians with ambition have begun to formally express their desire for the presidency in the form of “exploratory committees†which will allow the hopeful to raise money and travel without having to follow certain financial restrictions mandated by federal law.
With official events, such as candidate forums and official debates, beginning as early as February, 2007, the status of a candidate will be based on whether or not he or she is invited. Several minor candidates in the past have tried to litigate their way in, and while this has generated publicity, it has not ever generated support. Prior to the onset of these debates, other criterion are used and are listed below. At this stage still, many of the strongest candidates might have yet to emerge, and these lists include a few politicians who excite speculation among political activists, insiders, media commentators and political junkies.
(Please excuse the mess, this page is under constant construction. If you have any links for candidates please submit them at thanks for looking and enjoy.)
Conditions for listing a candidate
As stated above, the election is currently in its early stages and some candidates are not yet official.
- Private Official Campaign Web Site, Required Data
- Private web page (non-free web page)
- Statement of FEC Status
- Valid current contact information (name, address, telephone, non-free email)
- Date and place of birth
- Intent of ballot placement or write-in status.
- Current list of Registration for write-in status
FEC – FEC Registered Candidate.
FEC-Other – FEC Registered Candidate, other election.
Non-FEC – Non-FEC Registered Candidate
Democratic Party
The Nominees for the Democratic Party
Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, The Democratic candidate for President
Campaign Site
Barack Obama’s Blog
Barack Obama’s YouTube
official Barack Obama MySpace
Barack Obama’s flickr
Barack Obama’s Wikipedia page
Barack Obama’s Project Vote Smart page
unofficial Barack Obama MeetUp
grassroots Students for Barack Obama
The Democratic Vice Presidential pick
Senator Joe Biden of Delaware
Unite Our States PAC
campaign web sight
Head to Head 08
Joe Biden’s Blog
Joe Biden’s YouTube
Joe Biden’s MySpace
Joe Biden’s Flickr
Joe Biden’s Wikipedia page
Joe Biden’s Project Vote Smart page
grassroots Joe Biden for President web sight
Students for Joe Biden
The Candidates that dropped out or never even tried on Democratic side:

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York
Camaign Site
Hillary Clinton’s Blog
Hillary Hub, All Hilliary Clinton news all the time
Hillary Clinton’s YouTube
Hillary Clinton’s MySpace
Hillary Clinton’s Flickr
Hillary Clinton’s Wikipedia page
Hillary Clinton’s Project Vote Smart page
unofficial Hillary Clinton MySpace
grassroots Vote Hillary
grassroots First Lady For President
Retired General Wesley Clark of Arkansas
WesPAC – Securing America
Wesley Clark’s YouTube
Wes Clark’s MySpace
Wesley Clark’s Frappr Map
Wesley Clark’s Wikipedia page
Wesley Clark’s Project Vote Smart page
Reverend Al Sharpton of New York
The Al Sharpton Show
Al Sharpton’s Wikipedia page
Al Gore of Global Warming Fame and Tennesse
Al Gore’s web sight
Alliance For Climate Protection
The Climate Project
Inconvienient Truth web sight
Al Gore’s Wikipedia page
Al Gore’s Project Vote Smart page
Al Gore Support Center
Al Gore 08
Patriots For Gore
grassroot Al Gore fan club
Draft Al Gore 08 site

Former Senator of North Carolina John Edwards (Edwards has suspended his campaign, as opposed to dropped out)
Campaign Site
John Edwards’ Blog
John Edwards’ YouTube
John Edwards’ MySpace
John Edwards’ flickr
John Edwards’ Wikipedia page
John Edwards’ Project Vote Smart page
John Edwards’ One Corps Blog, An Online Community for Real-World Action
Students for John Edwards
Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio
Campaign Site
Dennis Kucinich’s YouTube
Dennis Kucinich’s MySpace
Dennis Kucinich’s Blog
Dennis Kucinich’s flickr
Dennis Kucinich’s Frappr Map
Dennis Kucinich’s Wikipedia page
Dennis Kucinich’s Project Vote Smart page
Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico
Campaign Site
Bill Richardson’s Blog
Bill Richardson’s MySpace page
Bill Richardson’s YouTube
Bill Richardson’s Flickr
Bill Richardson’s Wikipedia page
Bill Richardson’s Project Vote Smart page
grassroots Bill Richardson Blog
grassroots America for Richardson
grassroots Washington for Richardson Blog
grassroots Western Democrat The Case For Bill Richardson
grassroots Vote for Bill Richardson
grassroots Bill Richardson page
Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut
Campaign Site
Chris Dodd’ Blog
Chris Dodd’s YouTube
Chris Dodd’s MySpace
Chris Dodd’s flickr
Chris Dodd’s Wikipedia page
Chris Dodd’s Project Vote Smart page
Former Governor Tom Vilsack of Iowa
Campaign Site
Tom Vilsack’s MySpace
Tom Vilsack’s
Tom Vilsack’s Wikipedia page
Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts
Keeping America’s Promise
John Kerry’s web sight
John Kerry’s Wikipedia page
John Kerry’s Project Vote Smart page
Former Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska (joined Libertarian Party which choose Bob Barr as their candidate)
Campaign Site
Mike Gravel’s YouTube
Mike Gravel’s MySpace
Mike Gravel’s Wikipedia page
Republican Party
The Nominees for the Republican Party:
Senator John McCain of Arizona The Republican Candidate for President
Campaign Site
John McCain’s McCainSpace
John McCain’s YouTube
John McCain’s MySpace
John McCain’s Wikipedia page
John McCain’s Project Vote Smart page
Blogs For McCain
grassroots Draft McCain Movement
Students for John McCain
The Republican Vice Presidential pick
not picked yet
Candidates that have dropped out, never tried, or don’t even count anymore :
Representative Ron Paul of Texas, suspended his campaign, and will not support McCain. Paul will hold a convention just down the road from the Republican convention at the same time.
Campaign site
Ron Paul’s blog the Daily Dose
Ron Paul’s YouTube
Ron Paul’s MySpace
Ron Paul’s Column on Anti-War
Ron Paul’s Wikipedia page
Ron Paul’s Project Vote Smart page
grassroots Ron Paul MySpace
grassroots Ron Paul Blog
grassroots The Daily Paul
grassroots elect Ron Paul Blog
Alan Keyes
Campaign Site
Renew America
Alan Keyes’ YouTube
Alan Keyes’ Wikipedia page
Jerry Curry
Campaign Site
John H. Cox of Illinois
Campaign Site
John Cox’s YouTube
John Cox’s Wikipedia page
John Cox’s Project Vote Smart page
Michael Charles Smith of Oregon
Campaign Site
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia
Winning the Future
Newt Gingrich’s Weekly article in Human Events
Newt Gingrich’s YouTube
Newt Gingrich’s Wikipedia page
Newt Gingrich’s Project Vote Smart page
grassroots Vote for Newt Gringrich blog
Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska
Sandhills PACChuck Hagel’s Wikipedia page
Chuck Hagel’s Project Vote Smart page
grassroots Chuck Hagel in 2008 Blog
grassroots Draft Chuck Hagel page
Former Governor George Pataki of New York
21st Century Freedom PAC
George Pataki’s Wikipedia page
George Pataki Project Vote Smart page
Radio Talk Show Host Michael Savage
Paul Revere Society
Michael Savage’s Wikipedia page
Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee
Campaign Site
Mike Huckabee’s blog
Mike Huckabee’s Youtube
Mike Huckabee’s Wikipedia page
Mike Huckabee’s Project Vote Smart page
grassroots Mike Huckabee blog
grassroots anti- Mike Huckabee blog
Former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts
campaign site
Mitt Romney YouTube
Mitt Romney’s MySpace
Mitt Romney’s Wikipedia page
Mitt Romney’s Project Vote Smart page
Students for Romney
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York
Campaign site
Rudy Giuliani’s YouTube
Rudy Giuliani’s MySpace
Rudy Giuliani’s Wikipedia page
Rudy Giuliani’s Project Vote Smart page
Draft Rudy Giuliani for President
Grassroots Conservative group for Rudy
grassroots Rudy Giuliani Blog
The official Web site for the Kevin Keating documentary, Giuliani Time
Actor and former Senator from Tennessee Fred Thompson
Fred Thompson’s campaign site
Fred Thompson’s Wikipedia page
Draft Fred Thompson web sight
grassroots Fred Thompson for President sight
grassroots Draft Fred Thompson sight
Representative Duncan Hunter of California
Duncan Hunter’s YouTube
Duncan Hunter’s MySpace
Duncan Hunter’s Wikipedia page
Duncan Hunter’s Project Vote Smart page
Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas
Campaign Committee
Sam Brownback’s Blog
Sam Brownback’s Wikipedia page
Sam Brownback’s Project Vote Smart page
unofficial Brownback MySpace
Students for Brownback
Former Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin
Exploratory Committee
Tommy Thompson’s MySpace
Tommy Thompson’s Flickr page
Tommy Thompson’s Wikipedia page
Tommy Thompson’s Project Vote Smart page
Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado
Campaign Site
Tom Tancredo’s YouTube
Team Tancredo PAC
Tom Tancredo’s Wikipedia page
Tom Tancredo’s Project Vote Smart page
grassroots Tancredo for President Blog
Former Governor Jim Gilmore of Virginia
Campaign Site
Jim Gilmore’s YouTube
Jim Gilmore’s Wikipedia page
Jim Gilmore’s Project Vote Smart page
grassroots Jim Gilmore MySpace
Constitution Party
The Presidential Nominees for the The Constitution Party:
James Gilchrist of California
James Gilchrist’s Blog
James Gilchrist’s Wikipedia page
Green Party
The Presidential Nominees for the Green Party:
Cynthia McKinney the The Green Party Candidate for President
Campaign Site
Cynthia McKinney on Wikipedia
The Green Party Candidates That Dropped Out
Kent Mesplay
Campaign Site
Kent Mesplay on Wikipedia
Jared Ball
Campaign Site
Jesse Johnson
West Virginia Mountain Party leg of the Green Party
Campaign SiteNan Garrett of Georgia
Campaign site
Kat Swift of Texas
Campaign SiteLibertarian Party
The Presidential Nominee for the Libertarian Party:
The candidate selected at the LP party convention 5/08
Bob Barr
Campaign Site
The Libertarian candidates that dropped out
Steve Kubby of California (now supports Bob Barr)
Campaign Site
Campaign Site
Steve Kubby’s MySpace
Steve Kubby’s Wikipedia page
George Phillies of Massachusetts (dropped out of party after convention)
Campaign Site
George Phillies MySpace
Christine Smith of Colorado (dropped out of party after convention)
Campaign Site
Christine Smith’s blog
Christine Smith’s MySpace- Doug Stanhope of Arizona Campaign Site
Actively pursuing or interested in candidacy:
- Lance Brown of California (dropped out 1/22)
Campaign Site
Robert Milnes of New Jersey
Campaign Site
Gene Chapman of Texas
Campaign site
Barry Hess of Arizona
Dave Hollist of California
Campaign site
Third Parties
Prohibition Party
Actively pursuing or interested in candidacy for the Prohibition Party:
- Gene Amondson of Washington
Campaign Site
Reform Party
Actively pursuing or interested in candidacy for the Reform Party: None yet.
Socialist Party USA
Actively pursuing or interested in candidacy for the Socialist Party USA:
Brian Moore
Campaign Site
Actively pursuing or interested in candidacy
- Steve Adams of Kentucky
Campaign Site
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Campaign Site
Bob W. Hargis of Oklahoma
Campaign Site
Daniel Imperato of Florida
Campaign Site
David A. Koch of Utah and Ken Goldstein of California
Campaign Site
Charles T. Maxham of New Jersey
Campaign Site
James McCall of Pennsylvania
Campaign site

Ralph Nader of Connecticut
Ralph Nader’s web sight
Ralph Nader’s exploratory website
Ralph Nader’s Wikipedia page
Ralph Nader’s Project Vote Smart page
Greens for Nader 2008
Official primary caucus election dates
Delegates to national party are selected through direct primary elections, state caucuses, and state conventions. The process continues through June, but in previous cycles, including 2004, the Democratic and Republican candidates were effectively chosen by the March primaries, because the leading candidates had collected enough committed delegates to win in the national convention. This time we expect the candidates to be picked by super duper Tuesday, February 5th. Most third parties select delegates to their national conventions through state conventions.
This list was last updated on December 28, 2007.
Democratic primaries and caucuses
January 3, 2008 – Iowa
January 8, 2008 – New Hampshire
January 15, 2008 – Michagan
January 19, 2008 – Nevada
January 8, 2008 – New Hampshire
January 15, 2008 – Michagan
January 26, 2008 – South Carolina
January 29, 2008 – Florida
February 5, 2008 – Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Texas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Massachusetts, American Samoa, North Dakota, Connecticut, Kansas, Georgia, Alaska,
February 9, 2008 – Louisiana, Virgin Islands
February 10, 2008 – Maine
February 12, 2008 – District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland
February 19, 2008 – Wisconsin, Hawaii, Washington
March 2008 (date to be determined) – Democrats Abroad,
March 4, 2008 – Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont, Texas, Ohio
March 8, 2008 – Wyoming
March 11, 2008 – Mississippi
April 22, 2008 – Pennsylvania
May 6, 2008 – Indiana, North Carolina
May 13, 2008 – Nebraska, West Virginia
May 20, 2008 – Kentucky, Oregon
June 1, 2008 – Peurto Rico
June 3, 2008 – Montana, South Dakota,
Republican primaries and caucuses
January 3, 2008 – Iowa
January 5, 2008 – Wyoming
January 8, 2008 – New Hampshire
January 15, 2008 – Michagan
January 19, 2008 – South Carolina, Nevada
January 29, 2008 – Florida
February 1, 2008 – Maine
February 5, 2008 -, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah, California, Illinois, New York, Tennessee, Montana, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Georgia, Minnesota, Alabama, Alaska
February 9, 2008 – Louisiana, Kansas, Guam
February 12, 2008 – Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland
February 19, 2008 – Wisconsin, Washington, Hawaii
February 23, 2008 – Virgin Islands, American Somoa
February 24, 2008 – Puerto Rico
March 4, 2008 – Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont, Texas
March 11, 2008 – Mississippi
April 22, 2008 – Pennsylvania
May 6, 2008 – Indiana, North Carolina
May 13, 2008 – Nebraska, West Virginia
May 20, 2008 – Kentucky, Oregon
May 27, 2008 – Idaho
June 3, 2008 – South Dakota, New Mexico
Later events
August 25 to August 28, 2008 Democratic National Convention, to be held in Denver, Colorado
September 1 to September 4, 2008 Republican National Convention, to be held in Saint Paul, Minnesota
November 4, 2008 – Election Day
December 15, 2008 – Members of the United States Electoral College meet in each state to cast their votes for President.
January 6, 2009 – Electoral votes officially tallied before both Houses of Congress.
January 20, 2009 – Inauguration Day
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