Category Archives: Barack Obama

The Obama Team Asked People What They Thought Of The 47% Speech From Mitt Romney

In May of this year Mitt Romney held a high dollar fundraiser behind closed doors. President Obama’s team asked Americans what they thought about what Romney said to his donors. As one woman shares, “I don’t think anybody’s ever looking … Continue reading

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President Obama Is For The Tires

President Obama’s latest campaign ad claims he protected American workers from a Chinese tire onslaught while Mitt Romney said “standing up to China was ‘bad for the nation and our workers.’”

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Democrat, International Relations, Mitt Romney, The Economy, VIDEO | Comments Off on President Obama Is For The Tires

We Are Better Off Than We Were In 2008 According To President Obama

According to one of President Obama’s latest campaign ads we are better off now than we were in 2008. The ad says, “Here’s where we were in 2008: Worst financial collapse since the great depression. American workers were laid off … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Democrat, Mitt Romney, The Economy, VIDEO | Comments Off on We Are Better Off Than We Were In 2008 According To President Obama

U Didn’t Build That by MC ‘Bama

Barack Obama raps about “You Didn’t Build That”, Mitt Romney, and the 2012 campaign to the tune of MC Hammer’s “U Can’t Touch This”. Featuring cameos from Clint Eastwood, Stephen Colbert, Hulk Hogan, Julia Gillard, and Jennifer Granholm.

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Political Humor, VIDEO | Comments Off on U Didn’t Build That by MC ‘Bama

Next Weekend Is Yard Sale For Obama Weekend

A group from California have come up with the idea to have a yard sale for Obama nationwide, and have set up a website,, to help support them. “We are a group of friends from San Francisco and Oakland … Continue reading

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Is President Obama Moving The Democratic Party In An Anti-Israel Direction?

The Emergency Committee for Israel have put together a new ad that questions the Democratic party’s ties to Israel since President Obama took charge. They feel that President Obama has moved the party towards an anti-Israel direction, and they use … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, International Relations, Super PAC, Third Parties, VIDEO | Comments Off on Is President Obama Moving The Democratic Party In An Anti-Israel Direction?

Former President Bill Clinton in Orlando, Florida Campaigning For President Obama

Former President Bill Clinton was in Orlando, Florida where he shared what’s at stake in this election and why President Obama must be re-elected in November. He discussed the choice between moving forward with President Obama’s vision to create an … Continue reading

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The Top Five Reasons Mitt Romney Won’t Release His Tax Returns

While the economy is tanking and the Middle East is on fire the Obama campaign wants you to focus on Mitt Romney’s tax returns. In one of their latest ad campaigns the Obama team gives us the top five reasons … Continue reading

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President Obama Is Failing American Workers According To Mitt Romney And The GOP

Mitt Romney’s campaign team have put together a new ad that shows how China now surpasses America with manufacturing jobs, and they blame President Obama. According to the ad, “since President Obama took office, our country has lost over half … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, International Relations, Mitt Romney, Republican, The Economy, VIDEO | Comments Off on President Obama Is Failing American Workers According To Mitt Romney And The GOP

Get The Facts From AARP And President Obama

According to the latest TV ad from President Obama, “the new AARP Voter Guide is out with facts you need on Medicare.” The ad says the AARP opposes Mitt Romney’s plan but they are good with President Obama’s plan.

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Democrat, Health Care, Mitt Romney, VIDEO | Comments Off on Get The Facts From AARP And President Obama