Category Archives: Campaign Ad

President Obama Keeping His Word By Creating Manufacturing Jobs

President Obama has a new campaign ad out that claims he has created hundreds of thousands of jobs in manufacturing. According to the ad, “four years ago Barack Obama promised to fight for American manufacturing jobs. As President he kept … Continue reading

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Super PAC Claims Money From High Gas Prices Go Into Mitt Romney’s Campaign

Here is another democratic ad claiming Mitt Romney is financed by the excessive profits of big oil. This ad is from the Super PAC Priorities USA Action, and is almost identical to the Deomcratic Rapid Response ad. Both ads are … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Democrat, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, oil, Super PAC, VIDEO | Comments Off on Super PAC Claims Money From High Gas Prices Go Into Mitt Romney’s Campaign

Mitt Romney Stands For Big Oil

The Democratic Rapid Response team are trying to paint Mitt Romney as being in the pockets of big oil in their latest campaign ad. They want you to remember big oil is attacking President Obama only to help Mitt Romney … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, cap and trade, Mitt Romney, oil, VIDEO | 1 Comment

Nine Dollar A Gallon Gas Coming To A Station Near You

The American Energy Alliance have put out an ad that says we have $9.00 a gallon gas coming soon. According to AEA, “President Obama and his administration are intentionally boosting the price of gas by restricting access to Americas natural … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, oil, Super PAC, VIDEO | 1 Comment

Ron Paul Endorsed By Fomer Landlord

Marc Heidemann leased Ron Paul office space in Southeast Houston during the earlier years of Paul’s career in Washington, and now he is speaking out for Ron Paul.

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President Obama Fighting To End Big Oil Tax Breaks In Latest Campaign Ad

From the President’s election team; “The President has made significant progress to ensure a clean-energy future for our country, including raising mileage standards and doubling investments in renewable energy. Yet oil executives continue to attack that progress, fighting to keep … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Big Government, Campaign Ad, cap and trade, Democrat, oil, VIDEO | 1 Comment

Operation Hot Mike From American Crossroads

American Crossroads have an ad out that capitalizes on President Obama’s hot mike episode with the Russians last week.

Posted in Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Republican, Super PAC, VIDEO, War and Peace | Comments Off on Operation Hot Mike From American Crossroads

Rick Santorum Gets Real With Romneycare

Rick Santorum has an ad out that uses real people talking about Romneycare and Obamacare.

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Health Care, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, VIDEO | Comments Off on Rick Santorum Gets Real With Romneycare

That’s Amore Mitt Romney And Paul Ryan

The DNC have an ad out that shows a close bond between Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Probably explains why Paul Ryan just endorsed Romney as the next President.

Posted in 2012 elections, Campaign Ad, Democrat, Mitt Romney, VIDEO | Comments Off on That’s Amore Mitt Romney And Paul Ryan

President Obama Submits His Greatest Bipartisan Achievement, His Budget

President Obama submitted his budget this past Wednesday, and received zero votes. Even Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wassermann-Schultz voted against it. The Republican rapid response team used this as an opportunity to create a new ad campaign. According to them, … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Congress, The Economy, VIDEO | Comments Off on President Obama Submits His Greatest Bipartisan Achievement, His Budget