Category Archives: cap and trade

Rick Perry Accuses Romney Of Implementing Job Killing Measures

Rick Perry has a new ad out that accuses Mitt Romney of implementing “job killing carbon-caps” while he was Governor of Massachusetts. Perry calls Romney a carbon copy of President Obama who promotes cap and trade.

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Flashback: White House Touts Success of Solyndra

The official White House blog has a page promoting the success of Solyndra as “an innovative solar panel manufacturer that is building a new facility with funding made possible by the Recovery Act.” “The impact of Solyndra’s success is being … Continue reading

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Barack Obama 2012 – “Hot Air” Alternative Energy Plan

From ; “Hot Air: Since 2006, the energy powering Democrats and now President Barack Obama to as promised, boost the price of gas to the levels in Europe!”

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, cap and trade, oil, Republican, VIDEO | Comments Off on Barack Obama 2012 – “Hot Air” Alternative Energy Plan

President Obama’s Weekly Address 4/1/2011

From the White House; “Speaking from a UPS customer center as part of the new public-private Green Fleet Partnership, the President discusses his Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future to help free us from oil and boost the American economy.”

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Are We Running Out Of Resources?

From, “Prof. Steve Horwitz addresses the common belief that the world is running out of natural resources. Instead, there are economic reasons why we will never run out of many resources. In a free market system, prices signal scarcity. … Continue reading

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Republican Response To State of The Union Address

VA Governor Bob McDonnell Delivers the Republican Response to the State of the Union:

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The Huge Mistake: Why cap and trade would be bad for the environment and the economy

The EPA forced these two to take down this video, but luckily for us and free speech others have picked up the video a spread it around. It is a three part video produced by EPA enforcement attorneys speaking on … Continue reading

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