Category Archives: Democrat

Republicans Want To Cut Millionaire Taxes At The Expense Of The Middle Class

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) have a new ad campaign out that tries to expose the Republican members of Congress that want to give millionaires tax breaks at the expense of the middle class. The new advertising begins today … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Campaign Ad, Congress, Democrat, The Economy, VIDEO | Comments Off on Republicans Want To Cut Millionaire Taxes At The Expense Of The Middle Class

One-Third Of ObamaCare Funding Comes From Cuts To Medicare

TAPPER: “Are you willing to pledge that whatever cuts in Medicare are being made to fund health insurance, one third of it, that you will veto anything that tries to undo that?” OBAMA: “Yes. I actually have said that it … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Democrat, Health Care | Comments Off on One-Third Of ObamaCare Funding Comes From Cuts To Medicare

President Obama Says Mitt Romney Is Using False Welfare Reform Attack Ads

Mitt Romney has attacked President Obama for his recent welfare reform that allows states to drop the work requirement as long as they move 20% of those from welfare to the workforce. Romney claims this drops any requirement for work, … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Democrat, Mitt Romney, The Economy, VIDEO | Comments Off on President Obama Says Mitt Romney Is Using False Welfare Reform Attack Ads

President Obama’s Weekly Address 8/11/2012 Responding To The Drought

From the White House; “President Obama discussed the Administration’s all-hands-on-deck approach to one of the worst droughts in more than fifty years.”

Posted in Barack Obama, Democrat, The Economy, The White House, VIDEO, Weekly Address | Comments Off on President Obama’s Weekly Address 8/11/2012 Responding To The Drought

Romney Would Knock the Wind Out of Iowa’s Economy

“Here in Iowa, we’re number one in wind energy jobs. But thousands of those jobs could be at risk. That’s why everyone from President Obama to Governor Branstad, and both Iowa Senators, support extending the wind energy tax credit. But … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Democrat, Mitt Romney, oil, The Economy, VIDEO | Comments Off on Romney Would Knock the Wind Out of Iowa’s Economy

Paul Ryan Is The Mastermind Behind The Extreme GOP Budget Plan According To President Obama

The Obama team has wasted no time in getting their sights on Paul Ryan with ads already coming out against him from all sides including a new website from the Obama team calling Romney Ryan the “Go Back Team. According … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Democrat, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, VIDEO | Comments Off on Paul Ryan Is The Mastermind Behind The Extreme GOP Budget Plan According To President Obama

Five Things You Should Know About Paul Ryan From President Obama

President Obama has released a new ad from his “truth team” about Paul Ryan telling you the five things you should know about Paul Ryan.

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Congress, Democrat, Paul Ryan | 1 Comment

Slighted By The DNC, Unions Are Holding Their Own “Shadow” Convention In Philadelphia

Slighted by the DNC, unions are holding their own “Shadow” Convention in Philadelphia. According to a report from the Associated Press, “Prominent labor leaders created the “Workers Stand for America” rally after what they say was their lack of input … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Democrat | Comments Off on Slighted By The DNC, Unions Are Holding Their Own “Shadow” Convention In Philadelphia

Mitt Romney And Bain Capital Closed A Steel Plant According To Priorities USA

Priorities USA are still pushing their ads about Mitt Romney and his time at Bain Capital. Once again they are focusing on a failing steel plant and from that they claim, “if Mitt Romney wins, the middle class loses.”

Posted in 2012 elections, Campaign Ad, Democrat, Mitt Romney, Super PAC, VIDEO | Comments Off on Mitt Romney And Bain Capital Closed A Steel Plant According To Priorities USA

President Obama Calls Mitt Romney’s Ads Blatantly Flase

“Seen this? Mitt Romney claiming the President would end welfare reform’s work requirements?” “The New York Times calls it ‘blatantly false’.” “The Washington Post says, ‘the Obama administration is not removing the bill’s work requirements at all.’” “In fact Obama’s … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Democrat, Mitt Romney, VIDEO | Comments Off on President Obama Calls Mitt Romney’s Ads Blatantly Flase