Barack Obama Scores Big Endorsement From The State

The State is South Carolina’s largest newspaper and they have endorsed Barack Obama as the next president. They narrowed the field down to Obama and Hillary Clinton. The paper says Clinton, “has intelligence and a deep understanding of many issues,” but they note that a Clinton White House “would trigger a new wave of all-out political warfare.” The paper says, “Obama’s campaign is an argument for a more unifying style of leadership. In a time of great partisanship, he is careful to talk about winning over independents and even Republicans.” “He’s not neglecting his core values; he defends his progressive vision with vigorous integrity. But for him, American unity – transcending party – is a core value in itself.” The paper calls Obama, “a groundbreaking nominee.” They discount South Carolina’s favorite son John Edwards because he, “has morphed away from the optimist who won South Carolina in 2004. The candidate who stayed mostly above the fray four years ago is angry now, and pushing hard to turn working-class angst into political opportunity. He also has tried to one-up the other top Democrats with the least prudent plan for withdrawing from Iraq.” This endorsement will help Obama who already is way ahead in most polls in South Carolina. Now if he could only get past Bill Clinton who will be campaigning in South Carolina this week while Hillary Clinton goes west to get ready for Super Tuesday.
Alan Cosgrove

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