Bill Clinton Thinks Obama’s People Need To Stop Whining

Bill Clinton started his day by bragging about Hillary’s performance in last nights debate. “I don’t know if you saw that debate last night, but I did, and I thought she was great. She was great because she showed the strength and leadership and knowledge of the issues that is very important to the next president,” Clinton told the crowd in Erie, Pennsylvania. Later in the day he was at an American Legion Hall event in St. Mary’s, Pennsylvania, and he told the crowd, “When I watched that debate last night, I got kinda tickled. After the debate, her opponents’, oh, the people working were saying, ‘Oh this is so negative, why are they doing this.’ Well they’ve been beatin’ up on her for 15 months. I didn’t hear her whining when he said she was untruthful in Iowa or called her the senator from Punjab.” Then he added, “And, you know, they said some pretty rough things about me, too. But you know, this is a contact sport. If you don’t want to play, keep your uniform off.” Then he tried to claim that the competition has been good clean fun so far. “The truth is,” Clinton said, “this has been basically positive campaign on the issues, and on the records and on the experience. And the real differences should be on the issues.”
Alan Cosgrove

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4 Responses to Bill Clinton Thinks Obama’s People Need To Stop Whining

  1. Pingback: Hillary Clinton Updates » Blog Archive » Bill Clinton Thinks Obama’s People Need To Stop Whining

  2. JP says:

    Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton are liers. Hillary Clinton orchestrated the murder of Vince Foster! I am 100% behind Obama. If Clinton gets the nomination then I will campaign and vote for John McCain.
    Rodham Clinton is a very evil person (seriously).

  3. JP says:

    Does anyone ever read this posts?

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