Category Archives: Campaign Ad

Big Oil Is Spending Millions To Falsely Attack President Obama

President Obama has been campaigning against big oil, and wants to take away all their tax breaks or “subsidies” as he calls them. According to the ad, “High gas prices lead to record profits for big oil and now they’re … Continue reading

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Obama Is Going From Hope To Hypocrisy

According to a new GOP ad, “In 2008, Candidate Obama promised “hope” and “change.” Four years later, we know it was all an act, and since President Obama has no record to run on, he’s resorted to using the same … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Republican, VIDEO | Comments Off on Obama Is Going From Hope To Hypocrisy

Mitt Romney And Family Wish You A Happy Easter

Ann Romney has put together a video talking about her “six boys” called “Family.” “Even then you knew that these moments would be fleeting, but you didn’t really believe it because you were so in the moment of living with … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Campaign Ad, Mitt Romney, Republican, VIDEO | Comments Off on Mitt Romney And Family Wish You A Happy Easter

Mitt Romney Has It Wrong On The Reality Of Obama Part Two

President Obama’s campaign team have released two ads today, both called “Mitt Romney versus Reality”. They both show clips of President Obama saying one thing, and Romney saying the exact opposite. It will be up to us in November to … Continue reading

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Smart Girl Politics Say The Leftist Don’t Speak For Us

Smart Girl Politics Action (SGPA) have put together a video that says the leftist agenda does not speak for them. According to the SGPA, they released “a new video to counter the left’s so-called “war on women”. SGPA asks why … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Big Government, Campaign Ad, Democrat, oil, Republican, The Economy, VIDEO | Comments Off on Smart Girl Politics Say The Leftist Don’t Speak For Us

Mitt Romney Says Obama Is Slinging Mud To Cover Up His Failed Energy Policies

Mitt Romney is borrowing from Rick Santorum’s mud slinging ad in his latest campaign ad aimed at President Obama. According to the Romney campaign, “President Obama is attacking Mitt Romney because his energy policies have failed. In states across the … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Mitt Romney, oil, VIDEO | Comments Off on Mitt Romney Says Obama Is Slinging Mud To Cover Up His Failed Energy Policies

Buddy Roemer Says Washington Isn’t Broken, It Has Been Bought

Buddy Roemer wants to know if you are tired of the “Washington is broken” routine and has an ad out that says Washington isn’t broken. It is just bought by special interests.

Posted in 2012 elections, Big Government, Campaign Ad, Third Parties, VIDEO | 12 Comments

Mitt Romney Has The Reality Of President Obama All Wrong

President Obama has a new ad out that looks at Mitt Romney’s speech after his hat trick this past week. They have taken line by line and shown that President Obama is saying the exact opposite of what Romney is … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Democrat, Mitt Romney, VIDEO | Comments Off on Mitt Romney Has The Reality Of President Obama All Wrong

The RNC Proves That President Obama Recycles His Speeches

Obama’s budget speech yesterday recycled the exact same scare tactics he used last year, and this RNC ad demonstrates this.

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Republican, VIDEO | Comments Off on The RNC Proves That President Obama Recycles His Speeches

Mitt Romney Is Lying About President Obama Again

The Obama campaign’s latest ad calls Mitt Romney a lair. They want you to hold Romney accountable and join the Obama truth team.

Posted in 2012 elections, Barack Obama, Campaign Ad, Mitt Romney, VIDEO | Comments Off on Mitt Romney Is Lying About President Obama Again