Ron Paul Faces The Nation Despite Bad Interview

Ron Paul was on Face The Nation today. Bob Schieffer gave a terrible interview, and tried to spin every answer Ron Paul gave. Ron Paul tried to give good answers, and Schieffer did his best to to try to make a mockery of Ron Paul. The earlier interview Schieffer had with Mike Huckabee was much more softball.

Here is Ron Paul on Face The Nation on 11/11;

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2 Responses to Ron Paul Faces The Nation Despite Bad Interview

  1. i thought it was a great intervie antone else?

  2. Gregg Gregory says:

    A great interview by both Bob Schieffer and Ron Paul. Schieffer asked the tough questions and Paul answered them to the movement’s complete advantage. While Ron Paul appeared to be slightly caffeinated, he handled this interview with warmth, alacrity, and good humor!

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