Two New Ads From Hillary Clinton

Here are two new TV ads from Hillary Clinton. The first one is an older one that stars Bill Clinton, and the other one is her latest TV ad.

This ad stars Bill Clinton and was released about 3 weeks ago. Hillary Clinton explains everything you need to know about caucusing. It is called, ‘Caucusing Is Easy’;

This is Hillary Clinton’s latest ad. It will air in New Hampshire and Iowa where Barack Obama has moved up closer to Clinton in the polls. This ad is a basic Clinton stump speech wrapped up in 60 seconds. “It takes strength and experience to bring about change,” says Clinton. “I have a very clear record of 35 years fighting for children and families, fighting for working people, fighting for our future.” In this ad Clinton says America needs a new beginning on health care, education, and in Iraq, and she is that new beginning.
Here is Hillary Clinton’s new ad ‘New Beginning’;

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