Jessie Jackson Offers Advice To Clinton And Obama

Jessie Jackson is offering some good advice to the top two Democratic candidates who have been bickering back and forth for the last week. Jackson told both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama through a news conference to lighten up. “This is in some sense an inter-league game now. The Super Bowl is in November,” Jackson said using a sports analogy since it is so close to Super Bowl time. Then he brought in the rhyme time and said, “There should not be so much blood-letting now around the edge issues, which could become wedge issues, until there is not the strength left to coalesce after Denver and fight the big fight.” Jackson related todays political cat fight to a similar situation in the 1980’s when Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Cater went after each other in the primaries. “I remember so well in 1980 in the Kennedy-Carter primary struggle,” he said. “There was so much anger and bloodletting that they could hardly embrace each other on the stage in New York City. They never recovered and they lost the campaign.” Jackson went on to say, “as campaigns grow, we’re in fatigue and competition gets strong, people start angling for advantage. But they should not make the mistake of short-term advantage and long-term damage to relationships. These are team members on the same team, competing for who will lead the team. If the team is destroyed there is no team to lead.” “And when that battle is over, then the winner and the loser can embrace and then help lead the nation to the next level. The supporters of the candidates must see the value in keeping this campaign back on the issues,” Jackson told the reporters. Jackson is right, all this bickering is cheating the voters. After a year of campaigning they have exhausted all the real issues, so this is what we get. Clinton is a racist for saying President Johnson pushed civil rights legislation, and Obama is a fairy tale because he might not have voted to give President Bush the opportunity to invade Iraq if he could have voted then. He said she said what?
Alan Cosgrove

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