John Edwards Plans On Ride With Lance Armstrong

John Edwards said on Sunday he plans on riding in the fourth day of the weeklong, 472-mile Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. He plans on meeting up with Lance Armstrong and thousands of others on Wednesday in Hampton, Iowa. Edwards and his wife have said they admire Armstrong for his work on cancer. “I am looking forward to joining with him and so many other RAGBRAI riders to call attention to this important cause,” Edwards said. Armstrong has also invited all the Presidential candidates, including those not committed yet, to join him in a forum on cancer in Cedar Rapids next month. Armstrong released a video statement on Livestrong, his foundations website. In the video Armstong said, “For me personally, it’s just to make sure that whatever candidates we have now, and then ultimately the two who want to be president, discuss the No. 1 killer in this country, just like they would discuss war or terror or taxes.” Armstrong added, “I think whoever wants to be commander in chief ought to answer the cancer question.” So far five candidates have accepted Armstrong’s invitation to the forum. Democrats John Edwards, whose wife Elizabeth, is battling breast cancer that has spread to her bones, and Bill Richardson have both confirmed. The Republicans that have said yes are Tommy Thompson, Sam Brownback Mike Huckabe. It is not until August 27th and 28th, so more will probably join in.
Alan Cosgrove

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