Libertarian Christine Smith Responds To President Bush’s Radio Address

In President Bush July 21 radio address he said he met with soldiers and their families. He tells us their sacrifices are in service of ‘their important mission to protect the United States.’ Libertarian candidate Christine Smith responded to his address in her own radio address. Smith asked Bush, “I say go tell it to the graves of 3,632 Americans – all of whom died because of your unjust invasion and occupation of Iraq, and tell it to the 26,558 wounded Americans –whose bodies are burned, amputated, riddled with shrapnel, paralyzed, and brain damaged, go tell it to the families of all of them …go tell it to our men and women on their second, third and fourth tours…go continue the big lie–that they die and suffer ‘to protect the U.S.’… ” If you want to hear the whole response from Smith, ‘One Libertarian’s Response to President Bush’s July 21, 2007 Radio Address’, click here.
In other Libertarian news, the candidates have released their fundraising results for the second quarter. George Phillies raised the most with $11,700, and he claims to already have that much for the third quarter. Christine Smith raised $2264, and Steve Kubby, who just announced he endorses Ron Paul, raised a whopping $568 in the second quarter.

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