Speeches From The Candidates June 3rd 08

Last night Barack Obama became the presumptuous winner, and all three of the candidates gave some speeches.

Here is Obama Claiming the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States. He spoke to an audience of about 20,000 in the Xcel Center where the republicans will hold their convention;

Hillary Clinton won South Dakota, and Obama won Montana. Here is Clinton thanking her supporters from New York after the results came in;

Meanwhile John McCain gave a speech in New Orleans and he framed out what the contest this fall between him and Obama will be about;

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: (some overlap)

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1 Response to Speeches From The Candidates June 3rd 08

  1. JP says:

    Let’s ditch McCain from Presidential idol. If you were a Clinton supporter then maybe you can vote for Al Gore so that McCain gets voted off of here. That would be sweet.

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