The White House Calls Clinton’s First Ad Outrageous

Hillary Clinton’s new ad ‘Invisible’ has caught the attention of the White House. In her new ad she said that most of us are invisible to this President. It even suggest the U.S. troops in Afghanistan are invisible to President Bush. White House press secretary Dana Perino said, “As to the merits of it, I think it’s outrageous. This is a president who, first and foremost, has helped millions of seniors across the country have access to prescription drugs at a much lower cost. As to whether or not our troops are invisible to this president, I think that is absurd and that it is unconscionable that a member of Congress would say such a thing.” Clinton is happy that her ad has ruffled some feathers at the White House. “Apparently I’ve struck a nerve, the White House just attacked me a few minutes ago,” Clinton said. “Not only have I said it and am saying it, I will keep saying it because I happen to believe it.”
Alan Cosgrove

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